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It’s easy to measure engagement, but more difficult to pinpoint the actions and attitudes that truly engage people in the transformation healthcare organizations are undergoing. I have led physician engagement at a large health system and advised healthcare executives across the country on the most pressing leadership and collaboration conundrums.

I can help you get meaningful input from frontline physicians and staff, bring competing organizations together or form a new board of directors.

Let’s talk

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Have More Good Days

A Good Hour

While meaningful engagement takes time, identifying and implementing solutions doesn’t have to. The Good Hour includes a one-hour discussion about your engagement priorities, an analysis of those priorities and a one-hour follow up that provides you with meaningful ‘quick win’ actions you can implement immediately.

Schedule a good hour

A Good Retreat

You know it’s easy to return to ‘business as usual’ after a typical retreat, which is why I design and facilitate experiences that balance the philosophical with the practical. Choose one of three team-based approaches that either instills a stronger sense of purpose; clarifies priorities; or builds partnerships across multiple organizations.

Plan a good day with your team

A Good Partnership

Your engagement challenges may include low engagement survey results or lack of support for an organizational change. I work with a select group of clients to develop deeper engagement strategies for increasing physician participation in decision making and improving physician-administrative partnerships.

Create more good days

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My clients are...

Physician leaders, healthcare executives and board chairs in large practices, hospitals, health systems or professional associations

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I can help you…

  • Improve team performance and resilience
  • Strengthen engagement across a team or organization
  • Clarify team roles and goals
  • Identify organizational priorities for the year ahead
  • Collaborate with other departments, programs or organizations around a common purpose

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What do my advising clients say about working with me?


“Lisa recognizes the unique frustrations of our healthcare workforce, which is nice and gratifying. But she still challenges us to take responsibility to get motivated and make needed changes.”

“In my experience, Lisa is unique in her combination of intelligence, humor, insight and flexibility.”

“Lisa brought a sense of humor, warmth, and understanding of teamwork that created space for us to be open and honest, and both address our issues and celebrate each other’s strengths. We left with a plan of action and the practical skills to implement it.”

Rebecca Snavely, Executive Director, Action Kivu

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Sample advising clients