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Conferences and workshops are great, but not if the information remains stuffed in a folder or drawer. The good news is that every presentation I give includes tools for integrating the content into daily work and mindsets, so you will remember new skills and information when you return to work Monday morning.
My presentations are consistently described as engaging, memorable and practical, whether I’m leading a team workshop or delivering a keynote to 400+ people. My faculty positions, healthcare leadership experience and membership in the National Speaker’s Association uniquely qualify me to speak to a variety of healthcare leadership audiences.
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Signature Presentation
More Good Days
When was the last time you had a good day at work? It may seem simple, but having a ‘good day’ has become increasingly difficult in a rapidly complex and changing industry. Juggling new regulations, technology and workflows is causing record rates of clinician burnout and change fatigue — but there’s still a way for organizations and individuals to thrive.
This signature talk is a perfect conference keynote, inspiring leaders, physicians, and those on healthcare’s frontline to reconnect with their professional passion, achieve higher levels of performance and end each day feeling a deeper sense of satisfaction and engagement.
My signature presentation geared toward healthcare leaders who want to learn new strategies for engaging their team and leading others through uncertainty.
My signature presentation geared toward physicians and providers who are striving to balance patient care with self care in an increasingly demanding environment.
Good Day presentations are 50-75 minutes. Interactive 90-minute, half day workshops are also available.
Don’t see what you’re looking for?
All presentations can be tailored for audiences of leaders, teams or individuals and presented as keynotes, breakout sessions or longer workshops. I have a slew of other presentation topics not listed here, so let’s connect and talk through how I can best meet your needs.
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What do people say about my presentations?
“Very dynamic and energizing, good balance of humor and sentiment.”
“Lisa Goren was the best lecturer of the conference. Not only was it entertaining, but really useful.”
“Loved Lisa Goren! Best ethics lecture I’ve ever heard.”
“The presentation was excellent and thought provoking.”
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Where I typically speak…
- Healthcare conferences sponsored by professional associations
- Leadership development programs, retreats or conferences sponsored by health systems, hospitals or large practices
- Academic programs designed specifically for healthcare leaders & physicians
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